A vagueness in logic – we want to say – is something that can't be. || There can't be a vagueness in logic – we wish to say. We live now || now live in the idea: the ideal “mustbe there in reality || the real world || found in the real world || lie in reality. – While we don't yet see how it is there || lies in it || how it has a place there, and don't understand the nature of this “must”. We believe, – || : it must be || lie in the real world, for we think we already see it there || believe we see it there already.
     In our thoughts the ideal || The ideal, in our thoughts, sits firm and immovable. You can't step out of || outside it. You always have || You've always got to go back again. There is no outside; outside there's no air || you can't breathe. – Whence all this? || How does this queer situation arise? The idea,
rests || sits as it were on our nose as a pair of spectacles || as it were, sits as || like a pair of spectacles on our nose, and whatever we look at we see through it || them. It never enters our head to take them off.
     How can I understand the proposition || sentence now, if || when the analysis is supposed to be able to show what it is I really understand? – Here the idea of understanding as a peculiar || strange mental process enters in.
     The strictand || , || , and clear rules of the logical construction of the || a proposition appear to us as something in the background, – embedded || lodged || hidden in the medium of understanding. I see them now already (even though through a medium) || I see them even now (although through a medium), since I understand the sign, mean something with || by it. The ideally rigid || rigorous construction appears to me as something concrete: – I had used a simile; but because of the grammatical illusion, that to the concept word || general name there corresponds one thing, what || that which is in common to all its || the objects falling under it, it did not seem to be a simile.