“But if the concept ‘game’ isunlimited in this way || , in this way, unbounded, then you don't really know what you mean by ‘game’.” – If I give the description, || : “The ground was covered with flowers || plants”, will you say that || that I don't know what I am talking about so || as long as I can't give a definition of a plant?
     Socrates (in Charmides): “You know it and can speak Hellenic || Greek, so you must surely || surely you must be able to say it.” – No. To “know it” || ‘know it’ does not mean here to be able to say it. That || This is not || isn'tour criterion of knowing here || , here, our criterion of knowing.
     An explanation of what I mean || meant would be, say, a painted picture and the words, || :That || this is roughly what the ground looked like”. But I may say also, || : || perhaps I say:That || This is exactly what it looked like”. – Then were exactly these grasses || blades of grass and leaves in these positions there? No, that || this isn't what it means. And I would || should || should not recognise any picture as
¤ exact || an exact one in this sense.