Now there are various possibilities for our || the language game ◇◇◇ (57), various cases in which we should say a sign names in the game || in the game indicates || indicates in the game a square of such and such a colour. We should || would say this, for instance || e.g., if we knew that the people who use this language were taught the use of the sign in such and such a way || in such and such a way how to use the sign. Or if it were laid down in writing, say in the form of a table, that this element corresponds to this sign, and if this table were used in teaching
¤ the language and were brought in to decide certain disputed points. – But we could || can imagine also || also imagine that a table of this sort || such a table is a regular || an instrument in the use || practice of the language. The description of a complex takes place thus in this way: Whoever is || The person describing the || a complex carries a || the table with him, looks up in it each element of the complex || each element in it and passes in the table from the element to the sign (and the person to whom the description is given may also use a table to translate the words of it || the description into the sight || pictures of the coloured squares.) We might say that the || this table assumes the role here || here assumes the role that || which is played in other cases || in other cases is played by memory and association. (We should || would not generally || in general carry out the || an order, “Bring me a red flower”, by looking up the colour called red in a colour table || colour-atlas and then bringing a flower of the colour that we found in the table; but if it is || was a question of selecting or mixing || we have to select, or mix, a particular shade of red, then it does sometimes || may happen that we || we do make use of a sample or a table.)
     If we call such a table the expression of a rule of the language game, then one || we can say that what we call a rule of the || a language game can have || play very different roles in the game.