In (1[3|9]) we introduced proper names into ˇour language ([9|11]). Now suppose the tool with the name (α) is were had been bro[p|k]en. A doesn't know this, and gives B the sign (α): has this sign ˇa meaning now, or
hasn't it
has it none
? What'sis B supposed to do when he receives this sign? – We have made no agreement about this. You might ask, what will he do? Well, perhaps he will stand there perplexed, or show A the pieces. You might say here, : (α) has become meaningl[l|e]ss; and this expression would indicate that there is now no further use for the sign (α) in o[r|u]r language game (unless we (were to) give it a new one). (α)
also become meaningless
through the fact that
we, for any some reason whatever or other, ˇwe scratched a different mark sign mark on the tool and didn't no longer use the sign (α) in the game any more. – But we can also imagine
imagine an agreement accord[n|i]ng to which, when a tool is broken and A gives ˇshows B the sign of this tool, B has to shake his head as an answer to him. This gives, we might say, ˇgives the command (α) a place in the language game, even
tool no longer exists. And we can now ˇwe may say that the sign (α) has a meaning even when its bearer has cease[s|d] to exist.