But suppose someone says || said, || : “I always do the same thing when I direct my attention to the || a shape: I follow the contour || outline with my
¤ eyes and feel || with the feeling || ”. And suppose this person gives to someone else the ostensive definition || explanation, “That || This is called a ‘circle’”, by pointing¤ with all these experiences, to a circular object || to a circular object & having all these experiences: – can't || . Can't the other person still interpret this explanation differently, even though || although he sees that the person giving the explanation || it follows the shape with his eyesand || , even though || if he feels what the person giving the explanation feels? That is || is to say, this “interpretation” can also || may consist in the way in which he makes use of || uses || use he now makes of the word, for instance || e.g. what he points to when he is || in his pointing to such & such an object when given the command, || : “Point to a circle”. – For neither the expression, “meaning the explanation in such and such a way”, nor the expression, “interpreting the explanation in such and such a way”, indicates a definite || particular process which accompanies || accompanying the giving and hearing || receiving of the explanation.