We might || could imagine that the language (4) is the entire language of A and B; even the entire language of a tribe. The children are brought up to carry out just these || these activities, to use just these || these words and to react in just this || this || the activities in question, to use such & such words and to react in such & such a way to the words of another || others.
     An important part of the training will consist in the teacher's pointing to the objects, directing the attention of the child || child's attention to them and at the same time pronouncing a word; for instance, the word ‘slab’ in pointing to this block. (I do not || don't want to call this “ostensive explanation” or “definition”, because the child can't as yet ask what the thing is called. I will call it “ostensive teaching of words”. – I say it || this will constitute an important part of the training, because that || this is the case among || so with human beings, not because it couldn't be imagined || we couldn't imagine it differently || otherwise.) This ostensive teaching of the words, one might say, fixes || makes an associative connection between the word and the thing. But what does that mean? Well, it may mean various things; but probably what first comes to one's mind is that || occurs to one is that || what first occurs to one is probably that an image of the thing comes before the child's mind when it hears the word. But suppose that happens – is that the purpose
¤ of the word? – Yes, it || It may be the || its purpose || aim. – I can imagine words (i.e. here || I mean || i.e. series of sounds) having an application of this sort. || such a use of words (i.e. series of sounds). (Their utterance is so to speak the striking of || To pronounce them would be like striking a key on the || a piano of ideas || images.) But in the || our language (3 || 4) it is not the purpose || aim of the words to call up ideas || images. (Though it may of course turn out that this is conducive || this may, of course, be found to be helpful to their real aim || purpose.)
     But if that is what the ostensive teaching brings about, – shall I say that it brings about the understanding of the word? Doesn't someone || he understand the cry || order “slab!” if he acts in such and such a way on hearing it? – The ostensive teaching helped to produce this no doubt || indeed helped to bring this about, but only in connection with a certain course of instruction || training. With a different course of instruction || training the same ostensive teaching of these words would have brought about quite a different understanding. – Of that || this more later. || at a later point.
     When I connect || By connecting up the rod with the lever || this lever with this rod by means of the || a peg, I make the brake ready for use || put the brake in order. – Yes, given all the rest of the mechanism. Only together with this mechanism is it a brake lever; and without || detached from its support it isn't even a lever, but can be all sorts of things, or nothing || it may be anything.