Consider now this application of language: I send someone shopping. I give him a slip of paper, on which are the marks || I have written the signs: “five red apples”. He takes it to the grocer; the grocer opens the box || drawer that has the mark || sign “apples” on it; then he looks up the word “red” in a table, and finds opposite it a coloured square; he now speaks || pronounces || says out loud the series of cardinal numbers || numerals – I assume that he knows them by heart – up to the word “five” and with each numeral he takes an apple from the box that has the colour of the square || that has the colour of the square from the drawer. – This is how one works || In this way & in similar ways one operates with words. – “But how does he know where and how he is to look up the word ‘red’ and what he has to do with the word ‘five’?” – Well, I am assuming that he acts, as I have described. The explanations || Explanations come to an end somewhere. – What is || What's || But what's the meaning of the word “five”? – There was no question of any || such an entity ‘meaning’ here; only of the way in which “five” is used. || Nothing of that sort was being discussed, only the way in which “five” is used.