“But “Do you mean that you can define pain in terms of behaviour?”
     But is this what we do if we teach the child to use the expression ‘I have toothache’? Did I say || define: “Toothache is such & such a behaviour”? This would obviously be entirely against || This obviously contradicts the normal use of the word! “But can't you, on the other hand,
at least to yourself give an ostensive def. of ‘toothache’. Pointing to the place of your pain & saying “this is … ”?” Can't I give a name to the pain I've got? Queer idea to give one pain a name! What's it to do with a name? Or what do I do with it? What I do with the name of a person whom I call by the name. I mean to say: What connection is the name to have with the pain. So far the only connection so far is this that you had toothache pointed to your cheek & said || pronounced the word ‘moo’. “So what?” Remember what we said about private ostensive definition