Does consist of & ? It depends what kind of dispute it is. You could say it consisted of & . Is the ◇◇◇ dispute one about facts or mode of description?
This doesnt show that a + b fits but
it shows that it looks like it does
“What kind of figure do you get if you draw the diagonals in a Pentagon?” ˇWhat sort of body do you get if you ‒ ‒ ‒.
What kind of Nr do you get if you draw 3s in 9.

  What kind of coulour do you get if you [wet|mix] red with yellow?

        “The figure shows him that a pentagram fits into a pentagon”. Is this an experimental result?


Editorial notes

1) Ms-148, page 12v contains one additonal figure which doesn't seem related to the surrounding text and is not included in the transcription.

2) Ms-148, page 13r contains a number of figures which are not included in the transcription.